Find a Pet Sitter, Daycare, or Boarding


Puppy Pitstop

Location: Speedway, IN (West of Indianapolis)

Services Offered: Doggy Daycare, Boarding, Grooming, Training, Canine Fitness & Wellness

Fear Free Certified Facility

Uptown Pup

Location: Broad Ripple, IN (Northeast of Indianapolis)

Services Offered: Doggy Daycare, Boarding, Grooming, Training, & Canine Fitness

Doggie Do Right

Location: Fort Branch, Indiana (Southern Indiana)

Services Offered: Boarding, training and grooming facility

Dogs n Digs LLC

Service area: Fishers, Geist, Avon, Brownsburg

Dog walking & pet sitting

Cassandra A. Fuqua

Service area: Focused on Carmel/Westfield/Sheridan/Zionsville/Whitestown areas

Fully insured Petsitter


Hot Diggity Dog

Service Area: Columbus, IN

Services: We offer boarding, training classes, behavior consults, and board and train

Hot Diggity Dog (

SS Boarding

Service Area: Greenwood, Center Grove, and surrounding areas

Services: FULLY INSURED-Home based Boarding, Pet Sitting (no overnights), Pet Sitting barn visits (horses and small farm animals), and Training


The Humane Training Alliance of Indiana is not directly affiliated with any of the above businesses, nor are they responsible for the actions or experiences from utilizing their services.

The businesses on this list were carefully vetted and recommended due to their use of positive training and group management techniques as well as mental enrichment opportunities in addition to physical play, and opportunities for rest.

Humane Training Alliance of Indiana does not endorse the use of spray bottles, electric collars, choke collars, or pinch collars as part of group play management.